at the end of every semester, every HBS student faces the task of preparing for final exams. case-based exams are very different from the types of tests many of us took in high school and college - multiple-choice options are pretty much non-existent. rather, these tests challenge students to examine a case from the vantage point of a business manager and answer key questions about the problems the manager faces, how can he/she address the issue, etc - all in a matter of 4-5 hours.
the best performers on hbs exams blend content and stylistic writing well together. while no one can help you with writing skills, the HBS women's student association (the WSA) does an excellent job of hosting review sessions at the end of each semester.
these sessions are well-attended, so get to spangler auditorium early. they feature some of the top-performing ladies in the rc/ec classes at HBS, who present the key learnings over the semester in a consolidated powerpoint presentation. in many cases, these slides are made available after the sessions are over, but the best learning happens by physically going to the review session (especially for exams like finance where problems and calculations are reviewed in detail beyond the content of the slides).
the HBS WSA has done an amazing job over the years of hosting these sessions, and the entire community is better off for it!
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