this might seem mundane, but it actually matters, especially when the two main buildings that most HBS students live in (One Western and SFP) are pretty isolated from the rest of Cambridge and the wider Harvard community. here are the best options:
1) If you have a car - go to the Shaw's on Western Ave or the Whole Foods in Central Square
2) If you have no car - rent one ( and go to the two places mentioned in 1
3) If you can't drive (this is actually a real issue for many of my international friends at HBS who can't get the required driver's licenses): bum a ride off some friends or go to and set up an account, and then you can have groceries delivered to you (costs more but it's worth it, trust me !)
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
HBS Grading System
i wish i had known more about the grading system before starting at HBS. no, it would not have changed my decision to come here over stanford and wharton (where i was also accepted), but it is always helpful to have more color on academic performance issues.
at HBS, you get 1's, 2's, and 3's. if you're beyond terrible then there's a place for you in the "4" category (described more below)
HBS Grading
Note: Required curriculum means "first year classes" and elective curriculum means "second year classes"
At the conclusion of each course, the instructor assigns to each student in his/her section who completes the course, one of four grades designated as Category I, II, III, and IV, and reports these grades to the Registrar.
If a student receives a Category III or IV in a required curriculum course, his/her instructor submits to the Registrar an Instructor Evaluation of Student Performance Form that provides more detailed information about the student's total performance.
So what does this mean if you want to "get by" at harvard business school. The key is to avoid "hitting the screen" or getting 5 or more 3's over the course of your first year. Any student who receives 5 or more “3”s in the first year RC year (i.e. in more than half of your courses) will be reviewed by the Academic Performance Committee (APC) at the end of the year to determine whether they should continue on to the second EC year or withdraw and take some time off (the vast majority eventually return and graduate). There is no quota or percentage here – it is purely a case-by-case basis. In that scenario, the APC will see all your grades, input from all 10 professors who will focus on whether or not they believe you had a “fundamental understanding” of the material, and a personal note telling “your side of the story”. Extenuating circumstances (e.g. family illness), general strength of the section (e.g. the student got the material but was a “victim of the curve”), attendance, and general level of engagement during class all come into play. No one repeats the RC year; the question is whether the student is ready for the EC year.
at HBS, you get 1's, 2's, and 3's. if you're beyond terrible then there's a place for you in the "4" category (described more below)
HBS Grading
Note: Required curriculum means "first year classes" and elective curriculum means "second year classes"
At the conclusion of each course, the instructor assigns to each student in his/her section who completes the course, one of four grades designated as Category I, II, III, and IV, and reports these grades to the Registrar.
- Category I -- given to the top 15-20% of students in a required curriculum section or the top 15-25% of students in an elective curriculum course section.
- Category II -- given to the next 70-75% of students in a required curriculum section or the next 65-75% in an elective curriculum course section. The actual number of Category II grades is subject to the number of Category I grades assigned.
- Category III -- given to the lowest-performing 10% of students in a required curriculum section or an elective curriculum course section.
- Category IV -- seldom assigned; designates failure of achievement and/or commitment and, therefore, failure to meet minimum standards of the course. If Category IV is used in a course, the combined number of students who receive Categories III and IV must equal the lowest 10% of the section or elective course section.
If a student receives a Category III or IV in a required curriculum course, his/her instructor submits to the Registrar an Instructor Evaluation of Student Performance Form that provides more detailed information about the student's total performance.
So what does this mean if you want to "get by" at harvard business school. The key is to avoid "hitting the screen" or getting 5 or more 3's over the course of your first year. Any student who receives 5 or more “3”s in the first year RC year (i.e. in more than half of your courses) will be reviewed by the Academic Performance Committee (APC) at the end of the year to determine whether they should continue on to the second EC year or withdraw and take some time off (the vast majority eventually return and graduate). There is no quota or percentage here – it is purely a case-by-case basis. In that scenario, the APC will see all your grades, input from all 10 professors who will focus on whether or not they believe you had a “fundamental understanding” of the material, and a personal note telling “your side of the story”. Extenuating circumstances (e.g. family illness), general strength of the section (e.g. the student got the material but was a “victim of the curve”), attendance, and general level of engagement during class all come into play. No one repeats the RC year; the question is whether the student is ready for the EC year.
HBS Dean Nitin Nohria's Take on HBS
Dean Nitin Nohria is an amazing dean. We are really lucky to be one of the first classes to graduate with him leading the charge. He can always be seen around campus with a smile on his face, talking to students and faculty members alike, always energetic, always engaged - a true role model for the entire HBS community.
Some of the most valuable pieces of advice regarding the HBS experience are contained in the following letter that he sent to all of us as we started the journey. I still keep it my room to this day. The letter is accurate, reflective, inspiring and something that all incoming HBS students should keep in mind over their two years:
Dear HBS Class of [ ]
This semester, I'll be joining each of your sections for a lunch discussion. I'm very much looking forward to these sessions. My hope is that they will be interactive; I'm as curious to learn about you, why you've chosen to come to HBS, and what you would like to get out of your experience here as I imagine you are about the School and what it is like to be dean.
In thinking about how we might best structure our time together, I decided to share with you the welcome talk I didn't give. It builds on the discussion my colleague Frances Frei started in Burden Auditorium. It also builds on the work of my colleague Scott Snook, who a few years ago followed 50 HBS MBA students from the time they were admitted until after they graduated.
I believe Scott's framework for characterizing the MBA experience might provide an interesting way to begin our conversation when we meet.
Scott's research revealed that most students actually experience four curricula when they are here at Harvard Business School: an academic curriculum, a social curriculum, a career curriculum, and a cultural curriculum.
The academic curriculum is perhaps the most obvious, and it encompasses everything that makes the HBS program unique: the case method, our two year program and its structure of a required and an elective year, even our distinctive classrooms. Through daily situations where students are asked to put themselves in the shoes of a leader, to learn conceptual frameworks and tools, to bring their own experiences to bear, and to develop the ability not only to persuade but to listen, our hope is that they will become more adept at analyzing and acting in complex managerial situations. Scott's study showed that what students got out of the academic curriculum was correlated heavily with what they put in, particularly along the dimensions of preparation (How disciplined were the students?), participation (Did they learn to listen and participate thoughtfully?), and reflection (Did students find time to reflect on the learning from a given day?).
The social curriculum is a second powerful dimension of the HBS experience; it comprises the relationships – from friendships to business partnerships to even marriage – students form during their time on campus that quite literally shape the rest of their lives. During the first year, the section is where many of these relationships take root, but other opportunities to connect include
learning teams, clubs, sports, field studies, and the business plan contest. Here, Scott's interviews showed that students experienced the greatest satisfaction when they focused on the depth and quality of the relationships they formed. Moreover, students who stretched themselves – who sought out people unlike themselves, with different viewpoints or backgrounds – found their time at HBS most enriching.
The career curriculum includes all of those activities students undertake as they refine their career goals and ambitions. Nearly 85% of students who attend HBS do so wanting to change at least one dimension of their previous employment, whether it be industry, function, or location.
Scott's research found that students who invested the time in doing this – who explored the myriad opportunities available to them (through talks and events, meetings with career coaches, club activities, discussions with faculty, or field studies, for example), who focused on their long term aspirations rather than their next job, who pursued the job they wanted rather than what they thought their classmates expected or coveted – found it to be a remarkably important and meaningful component of their experience at the School. Those who approached the career curriculum in a more narrow sense of chasing what they perceived to be the hottest jobs, with the (currently) hottest companies, in the (currently) hottest industries, looked back on this process with less satisfaction, and in many cases disappointment.
Finally, the cultural curriculum refers to the surprisingly powerful and largely unconscious process through which students learn what it means to "become" a Harvard MBA. Their very identities – what they are supposed to value, personal definitions of success, how they are expected to talk, dress, socialize, and even vacation – all become unwitting targets of cultural persuasion. Many of these cultural transformations are intentional and healthy; others are not.
HBS is what sociologists call a "total institution" – one where the lines between work and play, public and private, and formal and informal blur. As a result, many students find themselves caught up in what they experience as a powerful herd-like movement that sweeps them along in ways and to places that they never intended. Students who fared well in the cultural curriculum did so by finding creative ways to remain grounded, and to refine and maintain a sense of self through personal relationships and important activities within and beyond HBS.
As I hope you can see, there's a lot to think about here (and some not-so-thinly veiled advice in Scott's findings). Does the concept of four curricula resonate with your own experience thus far?
In Frances's vein, I'd like to hear about your hopes and fears on these dimensions; we also can talk about ways to ensure that you achieve the former and avoid the latter. I also, of course, am happy to answer any questions you have about the School. I very much look forward to meeting with you soon.
Dean Nitin Nohria
Some of the most valuable pieces of advice regarding the HBS experience are contained in the following letter that he sent to all of us as we started the journey. I still keep it my room to this day. The letter is accurate, reflective, inspiring and something that all incoming HBS students should keep in mind over their two years:
Dear HBS Class of [ ]
This semester, I'll be joining each of your sections for a lunch discussion. I'm very much looking forward to these sessions. My hope is that they will be interactive; I'm as curious to learn about you, why you've chosen to come to HBS, and what you would like to get out of your experience here as I imagine you are about the School and what it is like to be dean.
In thinking about how we might best structure our time together, I decided to share with you the welcome talk I didn't give. It builds on the discussion my colleague Frances Frei started in Burden Auditorium. It also builds on the work of my colleague Scott Snook, who a few years ago followed 50 HBS MBA students from the time they were admitted until after they graduated.
I believe Scott's framework for characterizing the MBA experience might provide an interesting way to begin our conversation when we meet.
Scott's research revealed that most students actually experience four curricula when they are here at Harvard Business School: an academic curriculum, a social curriculum, a career curriculum, and a cultural curriculum.
The academic curriculum is perhaps the most obvious, and it encompasses everything that makes the HBS program unique: the case method, our two year program and its structure of a required and an elective year, even our distinctive classrooms. Through daily situations where students are asked to put themselves in the shoes of a leader, to learn conceptual frameworks and tools, to bring their own experiences to bear, and to develop the ability not only to persuade but to listen, our hope is that they will become more adept at analyzing and acting in complex managerial situations. Scott's study showed that what students got out of the academic curriculum was correlated heavily with what they put in, particularly along the dimensions of preparation (How disciplined were the students?), participation (Did they learn to listen and participate thoughtfully?), and reflection (Did students find time to reflect on the learning from a given day?).
The social curriculum is a second powerful dimension of the HBS experience; it comprises the relationships – from friendships to business partnerships to even marriage – students form during their time on campus that quite literally shape the rest of their lives. During the first year, the section is where many of these relationships take root, but other opportunities to connect include
learning teams, clubs, sports, field studies, and the business plan contest. Here, Scott's interviews showed that students experienced the greatest satisfaction when they focused on the depth and quality of the relationships they formed. Moreover, students who stretched themselves – who sought out people unlike themselves, with different viewpoints or backgrounds – found their time at HBS most enriching.
The career curriculum includes all of those activities students undertake as they refine their career goals and ambitions. Nearly 85% of students who attend HBS do so wanting to change at least one dimension of their previous employment, whether it be industry, function, or location.
Scott's research found that students who invested the time in doing this – who explored the myriad opportunities available to them (through talks and events, meetings with career coaches, club activities, discussions with faculty, or field studies, for example), who focused on their long term aspirations rather than their next job, who pursued the job they wanted rather than what they thought their classmates expected or coveted – found it to be a remarkably important and meaningful component of their experience at the School. Those who approached the career curriculum in a more narrow sense of chasing what they perceived to be the hottest jobs, with the (currently) hottest companies, in the (currently) hottest industries, looked back on this process with less satisfaction, and in many cases disappointment.
Finally, the cultural curriculum refers to the surprisingly powerful and largely unconscious process through which students learn what it means to "become" a Harvard MBA. Their very identities – what they are supposed to value, personal definitions of success, how they are expected to talk, dress, socialize, and even vacation – all become unwitting targets of cultural persuasion. Many of these cultural transformations are intentional and healthy; others are not.
HBS is what sociologists call a "total institution" – one where the lines between work and play, public and private, and formal and informal blur. As a result, many students find themselves caught up in what they experience as a powerful herd-like movement that sweeps them along in ways and to places that they never intended. Students who fared well in the cultural curriculum did so by finding creative ways to remain grounded, and to refine and maintain a sense of self through personal relationships and important activities within and beyond HBS.
As I hope you can see, there's a lot to think about here (and some not-so-thinly veiled advice in Scott's findings). Does the concept of four curricula resonate with your own experience thus far?
In Frances's vein, I'd like to hear about your hopes and fears on these dimensions; we also can talk about ways to ensure that you achieve the former and avoid the latter. I also, of course, am happy to answer any questions you have about the School. I very much look forward to meeting with you soon.
Dean Nitin Nohria
HBS L&V Rep - is there a point to this position?
earlier i posted about the value of having an excellent ED REP in your HBS section your first year. i'd also like to take some time to talk about a position that is somewhat less valuable within the student intra-section government - the L&V rep (Leadership and Values rep), which, in my opinion, is one of the most worthless positions out there and should probably be eliminated.
L&V reps supposedly monitor the moral compass as your section experience takes shape in your first year at HBS. i honestly don't know how or in what form they add value. in my section all the L&V rep did was review skydecks before they were shown to the section on Fridays. one time we were held back by the L&V rep for a "working lunch" session to come up with a values framework and list of social mores (Do's and Dont's) - it was the biggest waste of time ever. i don't mean to sound TOO harsh on L&V - i actually liked our section L&V rep as a person. however, within the framework of student government, i don't understand why each section has to have an L&V rep. perhaps do some consolidation, eliminate L&V at the section level, and perhaps have one class-wide L&V rep? just my thoughts...
L&V reps supposedly monitor the moral compass as your section experience takes shape in your first year at HBS. i honestly don't know how or in what form they add value. in my section all the L&V rep did was review skydecks before they were shown to the section on Fridays. one time we were held back by the L&V rep for a "working lunch" session to come up with a values framework and list of social mores (Do's and Dont's) - it was the biggest waste of time ever. i don't mean to sound TOO harsh on L&V - i actually liked our section L&V rep as a person. however, within the framework of student government, i don't understand why each section has to have an L&V rep. perhaps do some consolidation, eliminate L&V at the section level, and perhaps have one class-wide L&V rep? just my thoughts...
hbs cultural shows: Ekta and Sankofa
yes, like most business schools, HBS is ultra-diverse, and there are countless cultures and sub-cultures in the community that vie for student and faculty mind-share every week. some of your best experiences here will be when you take part in activities and cultures that you weren't as familiar with before you go to b school - or maybe you were, but just didn't have time to fully engage in it (due to work, etc).
one of the best things that our section did in my RC year was rally together to support our mates at the cultural shows sponsored by SABA (South Asian Business Association) and the African American Students Association at HBS. Saba's show is called EKTA, and features songs/dances of South Asia - bhangra, bollywood, fusion, a capella. AASU's show is called Sankofa, and features cultural pieces from all over Africa. Both clubs go all out - emcees, different themes every year. All in, these were some of the most captivating experiences for me and my section - we supported our sectionmates who were performing, sitting close together in Burden Auditorium can be quite a bonding experience - but whatever you do, just make sure you pre-game before the show, it makes it more enjoyable. both clubs also do a great job of hosting AMAZING afterparties in downtown Boston, so be sure to check out Ekta and Sankofa while you're at HBS !
one of the best things that our section did in my RC year was rally together to support our mates at the cultural shows sponsored by SABA (South Asian Business Association) and the African American Students Association at HBS. Saba's show is called EKTA, and features songs/dances of South Asia - bhangra, bollywood, fusion, a capella. AASU's show is called Sankofa, and features cultural pieces from all over Africa. Both clubs go all out - emcees, different themes every year. All in, these were some of the most captivating experiences for me and my section - we supported our sectionmates who were performing, sitting close together in Burden Auditorium can be quite a bonding experience - but whatever you do, just make sure you pre-game before the show, it makes it more enjoyable. both clubs also do a great job of hosting AMAZING afterparties in downtown Boston, so be sure to check out Ekta and Sankofa while you're at HBS !
harvard business school,
rc year,
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
finals prep: HBS Women's Student Association Rocks !!
at the end of every semester, every HBS student faces the task of preparing for final exams. case-based exams are very different from the types of tests many of us took in high school and college - multiple-choice options are pretty much non-existent. rather, these tests challenge students to examine a case from the vantage point of a business manager and answer key questions about the problems the manager faces, how can he/she address the issue, etc - all in a matter of 4-5 hours.
the best performers on hbs exams blend content and stylistic writing well together. while no one can help you with writing skills, the HBS women's student association (the WSA) does an excellent job of hosting review sessions at the end of each semester.
these sessions are well-attended, so get to spangler auditorium early. they feature some of the top-performing ladies in the rc/ec classes at HBS, who present the key learnings over the semester in a consolidated powerpoint presentation. in many cases, these slides are made available after the sessions are over, but the best learning happens by physically going to the review session (especially for exams like finance where problems and calculations are reviewed in detail beyond the content of the slides).
the HBS WSA has done an amazing job over the years of hosting these sessions, and the entire community is better off for it!
the best performers on hbs exams blend content and stylistic writing well together. while no one can help you with writing skills, the HBS women's student association (the WSA) does an excellent job of hosting review sessions at the end of each semester.
these sessions are well-attended, so get to spangler auditorium early. they feature some of the top-performing ladies in the rc/ec classes at HBS, who present the key learnings over the semester in a consolidated powerpoint presentation. in many cases, these slides are made available after the sessions are over, but the best learning happens by physically going to the review session (especially for exams like finance where problems and calculations are reviewed in detail beyond the content of the slides).
the HBS WSA has done an amazing job over the years of hosting these sessions, and the entire community is better off for it!
what is hbs skydeck?
skydeck is a weekly tradition at HBS. technically, skydeck is the outer row of seats in the HBS classroom, which typically looks like:
front view:
on fridays after the last case of the week, groups of students from skydeck (keen on observing every move that other students in the class make, say or do during the week) gather at the front of class and present a media-laden spectacle (filled with powerpoint, youtube, and live acting, among other things) - mocking section-mates, professors, other events at HBS (and the wider world), etc.
in terms of content, it can really go anywhere, but in my first year it never got really offensive to the point where anybody cried or walked out of the classroom. the two most common things to be aware of are:
1) saying abnormally outlandish stuff in your class comments
2) section relationships and hookups
the above two categories are totally fair game for skydeck, so beware and tready carefully.
in general, though, the skydeck tradition has continued for decades at hbs and will continue for a long time going forward (unless the administration has something to do with it). it serves as a good way to let off some steam from a hard week of cases, and skydeck also provides a great forum for you to get to know your classmates on a more personal level.
front view:
on fridays after the last case of the week, groups of students from skydeck (keen on observing every move that other students in the class make, say or do during the week) gather at the front of class and present a media-laden spectacle (filled with powerpoint, youtube, and live acting, among other things) - mocking section-mates, professors, other events at HBS (and the wider world), etc.
in terms of content, it can really go anywhere, but in my first year it never got really offensive to the point where anybody cried or walked out of the classroom. the two most common things to be aware of are:
1) saying abnormally outlandish stuff in your class comments
2) section relationships and hookups
the above two categories are totally fair game for skydeck, so beware and tready carefully.
in general, though, the skydeck tradition has continued for decades at hbs and will continue for a long time going forward (unless the administration has something to do with it). it serves as a good way to let off some steam from a hard week of cases, and skydeck also provides a great forum for you to get to know your classmates on a more personal level.
section life,
raise your hand
even though i was an undergrad business major, i have not been gliding by my first year at HBS. many of my friends, from similar prestigious undergrad business schools like michigan, uva, wharton, nyu and others have expressed similar sentiments.
basically, no matter what your background (even if you worked at the most elite i banks and pe shops), HBS case method doesn't allow you to take it easy, chill during class, and cram for exams and expect to pass with the combination of your great undergrad degree and work experience propping you up. HBS profs know everyone's backgrounds going into class, but they won't be wowed into giving you an automatic "1" because it is assumed you know all there is to know about finance, marketing, or whatever class you happen to find yourself in.
so as uncomfortable as it may sound for some of us (myself included) who don't like speaking up unless we're totally sure about an issue, the best advice i can give you is to "put 'em up" - even if you're not 100% sure about the answer, put your hand out there - what's the worst that can happen? honestly, the section environment at HBS is super-supportive, mistakes are welcome and the ENTIRE class learns just as much from a wrong answer as from a right one - and no one is going to make fun of you or judge you based on what you say in class.
basically, no matter what your background (even if you worked at the most elite i banks and pe shops), HBS case method doesn't allow you to take it easy, chill during class, and cram for exams and expect to pass with the combination of your great undergrad degree and work experience propping you up. HBS profs know everyone's backgrounds going into class, but they won't be wowed into giving you an automatic "1" because it is assumed you know all there is to know about finance, marketing, or whatever class you happen to find yourself in.
so as uncomfortable as it may sound for some of us (myself included) who don't like speaking up unless we're totally sure about an issue, the best advice i can give you is to "put 'em up" - even if you're not 100% sure about the answer, put your hand out there - what's the worst that can happen? honestly, the section environment at HBS is super-supportive, mistakes are welcome and the ENTIRE class learns just as much from a wrong answer as from a right one - and no one is going to make fun of you or judge you based on what you say in class.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
pick a a GREAT ED REP !
You’ll pick your section officers during the first month at HBS. I’ll comment on the utility of some positions later (Career reps are useless in my opinion) but I will say that one of the MOST IMPORTANT ones is that of “Ed Rep” – this person will be the main liason between you, HBS professors, teaching assistants, exam proctors – everything related to academics, basically.
Your ed rep will update you on when study sessions are, what to bring for certain cases/simulations, the feedback that professors may have on the class performance, and countless other things. I was blessed to have an amazing Ed Rep my first year at HBS. It greatly eased the section’s transition into the case method (which can be rough for many) and definitely made reviewing for finals a lot easier.
So pick your ed rep with caution, and have high expectations for him/her during the ENTIRE YEAR – some sections have had issues with their ed reps and have replaced them in years past.
Your ed rep will update you on when study sessions are, what to bring for certain cases/simulations, the feedback that professors may have on the class performance, and countless other things. I was blessed to have an amazing Ed Rep my first year at HBS. It greatly eased the section’s transition into the case method (which can be rough for many) and definitely made reviewing for finals a lot easier.
So pick your ed rep with caution, and have high expectations for him/her during the ENTIRE YEAR – some sections have had issues with their ed reps and have replaced them in years past.
you CAN have it all at HBS
You’ll hear this at a lot of business schools. You can do either 2 out of these 3 things when pursuing your MBA.
1. Sleep
2. Study
3. Party
The reality? NOT TRUE. If you are good at time management, you can schedule everything into your week.
Of course this won’t be like undergrad where you can go out Wednesday through Sunday of every week (there are people who do that, but their grades suck and they become in danger of getting kicked out by the end of their first year).
Target going out twice a week, pick your days out in advance if you can, and then GO OUT – let loose, have fun. For the sake of your fellow classmates: don’t talk about cases and simulations and all the stuff from the classroom when having beers – it’s annoying and no one will give you credit or think you’re smarter for it. Relax and leave the classroom behind – really get to know your peers !
1. Sleep
2. Study
3. Party
The reality? NOT TRUE. If you are good at time management, you can schedule everything into your week.
Of course this won’t be like undergrad where you can go out Wednesday through Sunday of every week (there are people who do that, but their grades suck and they become in danger of getting kicked out by the end of their first year).
Target going out twice a week, pick your days out in advance if you can, and then GO OUT – let loose, have fun. For the sake of your fellow classmates: don’t talk about cases and simulations and all the stuff from the classroom when having beers – it’s annoying and no one will give you credit or think you’re smarter for it. Relax and leave the classroom behind – really get to know your peers !
first post
This blog is written by a current HBS student. It will feature a lot of content that is HBS-related, including:
1. Admissions advice (when I feel like recounting the good old application process days) – interviews, essays, reccs, etc.
2. Tips on life once you get to HBS – gleaned from my experiences, my friends during this experience, and many graduates of HBS that I keep in touch with from many different fields.
3. General thoughts on HBS alums doing different things in the world
4. Stories / occasional videos / pics from HBS events and from around campus here in Cambridge
5. Answers to your questions. Feel free to email me at if you have any personal questions relating to HBS. If you grant me permission I may elect to publish an answer to your question, if I feel it is relevant to the reader base.
Generally, I am writing this because I feel that HBS is a place that is really dynamic, awesome, intellectual etc – but without proper guidance, it’s easy to get lost and confused about what the experience is meant to be – which is really a journey of self-exporation and identification. Too many people get caught up in the herd mentality here at HBS (something to definitely avoid) and the two years fly by without much personal growth and progress. The purpose of these writings and posts is to just “keep it real” for everyone attending or considering Harvard Business School.
1. Admissions advice (when I feel like recounting the good old application process days) – interviews, essays, reccs, etc.
2. Tips on life once you get to HBS – gleaned from my experiences, my friends during this experience, and many graduates of HBS that I keep in touch with from many different fields.
3. General thoughts on HBS alums doing different things in the world
4. Stories / occasional videos / pics from HBS events and from around campus here in Cambridge
5. Answers to your questions. Feel free to email me at if you have any personal questions relating to HBS. If you grant me permission I may elect to publish an answer to your question, if I feel it is relevant to the reader base.
Generally, I am writing this because I feel that HBS is a place that is really dynamic, awesome, intellectual etc – but without proper guidance, it’s easy to get lost and confused about what the experience is meant to be – which is really a journey of self-exporation and identification. Too many people get caught up in the herd mentality here at HBS (something to definitely avoid) and the two years fly by without much personal growth and progress. The purpose of these writings and posts is to just “keep it real” for everyone attending or considering Harvard Business School.
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